When Wine Tastes Best App Support Page

Thank you for using the When Wine Tastes Best app which is available for free at the Apple App Store and on Google Play.
View information daily for free or purchase future data to look ahead. Want to find out the best times to drink wine until the end of the year? 2025 data (covering 1st January 2025 - 31st December 2025 inclusive) is available to buy now.
To purchase, download or update your app to the latest version and use the in-app purchase option, accessible on the app's 'settings' page (click on the cog icon). The price varies with region and currency.
Occasionally the purchase doesn't 'register' properly, but 'restoring purchase' can force it to do so. To 'restore purchase' click on the 'Settings' page of the app (accessible via the 'cog' icon at the top of the main screen), where you would normally purchase this year's data, then click 'Restore Purchase.' If you experience any problems, please get in touch with us via email at whenwine@florisbooks.co.uk.
To see how the When Wine Tastes Best App works you can watch this video demonstration
The app should automatically adjust for the time zone of your device. If it doesn't, or if you want to adjust it manually, click on the app's 'settings' icon and follow the instructions.

You can also choose between 12-hour and 24-hour style times. Go to the app's 'settings' page (click on the cog icon) and toggle '24 Hour time' on or off.

If you have any queries about the app, please contact us by email on whenwine@florisbooks.co.uk.
To download the app on an iOS device such as an iPhone or iPad, click on this link: When Wine Tastes Best app to go to the App store and download the app.
To download the app on an Android device, click on this link: When Wine Tastes Best app to go to Google Play and download the app.
For more information on the background to the app and how it works, visit our dedicated Maria Thun author page.